د/ محمد سعيد راضي

سيرة شخصية

د/ محمد سعيد راضي
Cardiology Specialist
B.Sc , Alexandria University
Modern Diploma degree in Cardiovascular diseases (two parts), Al-Azhar University

Dr Mohamed Said received his medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine at Alexandria University,Egypt
and he completed his residency in El-hussein University Hospital and Abo Qir Centeral Hospital , during which he joined Alhyatt Heart team since 2014.

He obtained the Modern Diploma degree with its two parts in Cardiovascular diseases at Al-Azhar Univeristy Hospitals.
subsequently, He was awarded a certificate from The American Society of the Echocardiography after finishing 90 hours of Echocardiography practice and he received many Certified Courses in Echocardiography and TEE from Magdy Yacoub Heart Foundation ,He also has a certificate of Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support from the American Heart Association .

Research Interests

Management of Cardiovascular diseases
Stress ECG
Holter ECG monitoring
Ambulatory BP monitor
Tilting Table Test